Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

50 Things In The Office

1. Table = Meja
2. Chair = Kursi
3. PC (personal Computer) = Komputer meja
4. keyboard = Keyboard
5. Mouse = Mouse
6. Internet modem = Modem internet
7. Printer ink = Tinta printer
8. Printer= Printer
9. Papers = Kertas kertas
10. Books = Buku buku
11. Flower vase = Vas bunga
12. Wall clock = Jam dinding
13. Photo frame = Bingkai foto
14. Bookcase = Lemari buku
15. Handphoe = Ponsel
16. blanket = Tempat sampah
17. Television = Televisi
18. Radio = Radio
19. Music Player = Pemutar musik
20. Magzine’s = Majalah majalah
21. Newspaper = Koran
22. Door = Pintu
23. Window = Jendela
24. Lamp = Lampu
25. Electric switch = Saklar listrik
26. Table lamp = Lampu meja
27. Mirror = Cermin
28. Curtain = Tirai
29. Pencilcase = Kotak pensil
30. Camera = Kamera
31. A glass of water = Segelas air
32. Dispenser = Dispenser
33. Cutter = Silet
34. Pen = Pulpen
35. Pencil = Pensil
36. Eraser = Penghapus
37. Map = Peta
38. Bulding = Gedung
39. Cubicel = Bilik kerja
40. Cars = Mobil mobil
41. Air Conditioner = Pendingin udara (AC)
42. White board = Papan tulis
43. Marker = Spidol
44. Tlephone = Telepon
45. Faksimile = Mesin fax
46. Bag = Tas
47. Calculator = kalkulator
48. Nameplate = papan nama
49. Ornamental plants = Tanaman hias
50. Coffe = kopi

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